Sukham me bhuyaat - Dukham me maangbhut
1:26 AM Edit This 0 Comments »Hari smaran! Do you really know what you want out of life? What is the purpose behind your day-to-day activities? In Sanskrit it is said, ‘Sukham me bhuyaat, dukham, me maangbhut’ i. e. Let me be happy, let unhappiness not come to me. All living beings crave happiness and want to avoid unhappiness or pain. Still, very often, although we wish to be happy, happiness eludes us, and although we try to avoid unhappiness, it continues to manifest in our life. Why does it happen so? The answer is that our efforts to be happy are misdirected. We expect lasting happiness from that world which itself is temporary and ever changing. We believe that the worldly objects of pleasure will make us happy when in reality they themselves are ever prone to destruction. Man forever is in futile pursuit of these materialistic objects. His greed for hoarding and enjoying such objects keeps him on the run and in due course exhausts him completely. There are two types of greed: One, for amassing wealth and the other for relishing the pleasures one has amassed. Yet, ironically man is never satisfied from the pleasures he enjoys. He forever wants more and more. This is the greed related to the manifestation of sensual desires. Greed is the progenitor of sin. It is to fulfill such cravings that man indulges in sinful acts and behavior. All crimes that are committed in the world emanate from two desires, the desire for money and the desire to indulge in sensual pleasures. To earn money and become rich is the natural instinct of every human being. There is nothing inherently wrong with it. Wealth earned with intelligence and hard work is not a sin. Earning money by unethical means is a sin. Therefore, the Indian Rishis devised an ingenious system, adhering to which we can earn money without committing any sins. They are the four ‘purusharthas’ (endeavours) : Dharma (Righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), Moksha (liberation). ‘Purusharsheh Aksharyate’, Purushartha is that which is desired by all living beings. Thus the desire for money and pleasure of the senses is natural. Hence, the sages advise that Artha (desire for money) and Kama (desire for sensual pleasures) should be fulfilled within the limits of Dharma (righteousness) with an aim towards Moksha (liberation). Then they become useful in life. Hence Dharma is given top priority. Money should be earned ethically and through righteous means. Do not pursue illegal or wrongful monetary dealings. Earning money through deception, theft, and extortion or by injuring another being is a sin. Such sinful illegal gains will never bring peace or happiness. Similarly, always enjoy sensual pleasures within the limits of righteousness (Dharma). Kama enjoyed righteously has been described by the sages as something sublime. The offspring begotten by such Kama is Dharmapraja. It facilitates the continuation of family lineage and worldly affairs. But the Kama enjoyed against the rules of Dharma is sinful. It is ‘aasuri’ (demonic) and adulterous. It will not bring satisfaction but only misery and bondage. Think for yourself. Do you want joy, happiness and peace in life? Do you want liberation? Then earn money righteously and be generous with your wealth. Distribute it amongst those who have not. Give it to the poor and the needy. This will bring you happiness. It may be in your capacity to earn money but you cannot establish lordship over it. You can become its master only when you are able to give it away to others at will or renounce it altogether. ‘Mochanam mokshaha’ is when an individual gives away his belongings to others. Only then is he truly liberated. Donating means that I withdraw my right from this wealth and accept your right over it. The moment someone gives away, he renounces his right over it and thus becomes liberated from it. Hence people who have renounced wealth are addressed as ‘swami’ (master). No rich man is called swami. Earning money and enjoying kama within the purview of Dharma will lead you to liberation. You will be liberated even while living in this world. This way you will achieve the four purusharths (endeavors) prescribed by the Rishis: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. God will bless you and you will get lasting peace, happiness and joy. You will find God in this life. If we all realise this crucial Truth, our blind and futile rush for worldly objects will end and we will be lead towards liberation.
With prayers for the spiritual well being of all, I pray to God to shower his grace and blessings upon you all.
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